If you are looking for a really traditional village house in Cyprus, then take the opportunity to visit and view our renovated and restored guest house "OUR HOUSE" in Vavla village, Larnaca.
Pease contact us for more details and booking availability at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Terratzo Spito houses the ‘pacna’, a feeding trough and formerly was the winter sleeping space for the animals. In the summer the animals enjoyed the yard (‘vrakte’) and the Terratzo Spito was utilized for storage during the collection time of carobs (a major commodity you might know as a ‘healthy chocolate’… ‘terratzia’) until the sacks were transported for sale. Hence, the name: the house (‘spiti’) that stored the terratzia- Terratzo Spito.
Now, a lovely, romantic, cosy ‘candlelight wall’ above the ‘pacna’ with an original canapé bed dressed in a hand made crochet bedspread. The restored hand carved and newly upholstered couch stands along the wall with papyrus paintings from one of our trips to neighbouring Egypt.
All our rooms at "OUR HOUSE", Your Place to Stay, have under floor heating, air conditioning, ceiling fans and ensuite bathrooms.
Your hosts Donna Marie and George look forward to welcoming you to "OUR HOUSE", Your Place to Stay!
Kindly contact us on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.